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Biotta AG

Balance Woche

Balance Woche

Regular price CHF 65.00
Regular price Sale price CHF 65.00
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Stress, lack of ex­er­cise and an un­bal­anced diet will all throw your acid-base home­osta­sis off bal­ance. With its handy set of 11 nat­ural juices and care­fully se­lected recipes, the Biotta Bal­ance Week pack­age will help you make that shift to a healthy diet. And you won’t have to starve your­self, ei­ther. On the con­trary: we promise you’ll en­joy your food more than ever be­fore.

Thanks to a new aware­ness of what healthy eat­ing is all about, it will be all the eas­ier for you to in­cor­po­rate it long-term into your every­day life.

The pack­age con­tains a de­tailed weekly plan with recipes to in­spire you and whet your ap­petite for a healthy diet. In ad­di­tion, var­i­ous Biotta juices and our spe­cially de­vel­oped or­ganic herbal tea round off the Bal­ance Week. Re­sult­ing in a gourmet pack­age de­vel­oped spe­cially for you by nu­tri­tion­ists.

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