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Biotta AG

Wellness Week

Wellness Week

Regular price CHF 68.00
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Dis­cover a new feel­ing of light­ness with Biotta Well­ness Week. The feel-good juice week in the handy box was de­vel­oped in co­op­er­a­tion with nu­tri­tion spe­cial­ists and has been THE juice week in Switzer­land for over 20 years. Thanks to op­ti­mally com­bined high-qual­ity or­ganic fruit and veg­etable juices, you can rely on an ad­e­quate sup­ply of vi­tal nu­tri­ents dur­ing your juice fast.

The Well­ness Week gives your body and soul a break from the “too much­ness” of every­day life. It is your own per­sonal time out and fresh start, a respite from hec­tic, un­healthy eat­ing. In ad­di­tion to 11 or­ganic juices, the Well­ness Week pack­age con­tains recipes for both be­fore and af­ter the juice fast, al­ka­line bath salts for even greater well­be­ing, and ex­clu­sive yoga tu­to­ri­als as the ideal ac­com­pa­ni­ment to your week.

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